International Missionary Network

Founded by Cosmo and Sarah Zimik, International Missionary Network began in 2003.  IMN's first project was among Cosmo’s own people—the Naga of Northeast India. In 2003, IMN began to support the Chi Ching MK Academy—a school open to all the local children, including Nepali refugees and others unable to pay for uniforms or books. In 2020, the second school, MK Hope Academy was built and an additional school, SVYV Hope Academy, was added in 2022. 

IMN also creates business partnerships with participating villages, widows and the desperately poor. Upfront, IMN provides the village individuals in charge of the specific project with the money necessary. We provide them with any and all networking and training. 

The benefactors/partners of the project keep 90% of gross profits while returning 10% of gross profits to the IMN schools for the first five years. After five years, the village owns the business outright as specified in the contract. If at any point, the benefactors/partners of the project violate the terms of agreement the business is reclaimed by IMN and allocated to the next waiting recipients.

Businesses IMN has started include shops, pig farms, chicken farms, banana farms, taxi services and small bus businesses. 

In Idaho, IMN provides mentoring connections to young people who come from a variety of backgrounds. These young people are provided scholarships in martial arts and a mentor meets with them to ensure they receive encouragement and vision is cast before them. Young people are referred to IMN through juvenile corrections, word of mouth and friends. 

IMN generates funds in two key methods.

  • Donations from friends and family
  • 10% returns from all current projects

All money raised for IMN is tax deductible. IMN is a 501(3)(c) nonprofit based in Nampa, Idaho.